• Mighty Final Fight(Capcom)1993.6.11
  • Mighty Final Fight(Capcom)1993.7
  • Mighty Final Fight(Capcom)1993
  • Capcom
  • 动作
  • 1人
  • linlinsev


Capcom在街机上的名作,街机版Final Fight相信国内的广大玩家对其比较熟悉,FC上的这款Final Fight并不是单纯从街机上移植过来的,而是重新制作,并加以Q化,人物更加富有个性特点,而游戏的动作的游戏流畅度,连续技的爽快感,招数的华丽,动听悦耳的音乐,比起街机版丝毫不逊色。虽然FC版Final Fight在动作,音乐,画面都可称一流,但可能是由于FC机能所限,单个场景至多只能出现两个敌人,无法再现街机上的群殴场面,难度大大降低,不大像CAPCOM的风格。同时只能一人游戏,相比街机版的激烈火爆,FC版本只能用单调冷清来形容了。



  • 跳跃。
  • 攻击。
  • 连击。
  • 背摔。
  • 凌空飞踢。
  • 压制。Haggar不能使用。
  • 旋风击。耗血无敌保命技。Haggar在使用中可以移动。
  • 冲膝。
  • 背摔。



    • Cody
    • 匕首
    • Lv1-33exp->Lv2-54exp->Lv3-90exp->Lv4-147exp->Lv5-250exp->Lv6。总计574exp
    • Lv4B、→。
    • Lv4B、→、↑、B。
    • 速度力量适中。连套的散打是很实用的招数,还有很强的波动拳和升龙拳的技能,尤其是波动拳,可以对很多首领起到作用。初心者适用。
    • Guy
    • 飞标
    • Lv1-27exp->Lv2-45exp->Lv3-74exp->Lv4-122exp->Lv5-210exp->Lv6。总计478exp
    • Lv1A、↖、B。向后跳,在落地前按连发B键。
    • Lv4B、→。在拳未出前按方向。
    • Lv4B、→、↑。在拳未出前按方向,在踢未结束前按住最后的方向。
    • 动作敏捷,速度快。力量虽然不强,但灵活的动作完全可以弥补其不足之处。武神流穿心腿更是开始就可以使用万能的技能,基本可以对付所有敌人。
    • Haggar
    • 大锤
    • Lv3-125exp->Lv4-193exp->Lv5-370exp->Lv6。总计688exp
    • Lv1擒住、A、B。
    • Lv4B、→。在拳未出前按方向。
    • 攻击力强。行动速度和攻击出手的速度可以说是市长最大的弱点了,如果能够熟练使用,市长还是最强的,对付首领,泰山压顶是最强有力的攻击。可以用飞扑将敌人抓住,再使用拿手的摔功。





0-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20
- 8exp 16exp 24exp 32exp 1up Continue 2up


This is metro city. Whithin the walls of the city lives the daughter of the mayor, Jessica. Her beauty radiates throughout the city and gives the citizens the power to survive. But now a villain attempts to have this beacon of light all to himself.

I can't believe that I've actually fallen in love with the girl. She will be mine.....

A couple days later...

What?! Jessica... Kidnapped...!?! What have you done to her, Cody? Me?! This is the work of the mad gear gang. What do you think, Guy?

Yes. There's not a moment to spare. Let's go!


  1. Heh-hen. I am Thrasher, ruler of this city. Bow down defore me!Yes:4No:2
  2. wahhhhh!DamageDon't you know I rule the streets!?Yes:4No:3
  3. arghhhh!DamageThose who offend me must die!
  4. I am superior. Maybe you're stronger than you look. Why don't you join us?Yes:5No:6
  5. Heh-hen. I don't believe you. You're too much of a mama's boy.
  6. You dare refuse the mad gear gang? Those who offend me must die!


  1. You're too fat and lazy to oppose me!Cody:2Guy:3Haggar:4
  2. Give it up, pal. You're no samurai. Where's Jessica?5
  3. Big mouth, little sword. Tell me what you know or I'll clobber you!5
  4. You're no match for me. I am the slam master. Get out of my way before I stomp you flat.5
  5. Are you done flappin' those lips of yours? Good, because I'm gonna chop you down to size!


I'm Abigail, the toughest fighter in the mad gear. You've been lucky so far.... But your luck has just run out! The other looked tougher than you, Jerk! I'm gonna shove those words down your throat!


  1. You look a little run down. Here, have some water.Yes:2No:3
  2. I feel refreshed and strengthened.Life Recover4
  3. You dare to refuse my gift! You have insulted me and for that you must be destroyed.4
  4. Ready!?


You're no match for me! Ready!?


Your journey ends here!

  1. Cody:2Guy:3Haggar:4
  2. I love Jessica. Give her to me!5
  3. You're the boss? Where's Jessica?5
  4. Ha! I've finally found you. Release my daughter, you worthless ball of pond scum!5
  5. Relax. Jessica is my special guest. She is in the next room. Jessica and I are scheduled to be married tomorrow! Ha-ha-ha! Let us begin our final fight!

Final victory will be mine!


Dad, it's about time you got here. Sorry princess, but I needed to take out the trash. Dad, where's Cody? Cody? I lost sight of him on the way here. Oh, way to go Dad!

Let go of me, Guy! Without my help, she would be... Control yourself. Let the mayor and Jessica talk. For once in your life, Think of someone else besides yourself. Let go of me!